Poor is a legend

Did you ever meet someone that was obviously meant to be doing what they are doing? SSG Poor was that guy for me. I was the new 1SG of HHB 5-52 ADA. I wasn’t even wearing the diamond yet, I was still a nonpromotable SFC. SSG Poor was my new range guy working in the S-3 Shop.

I got to know him over the time I was there. He loved weapons, he honestly did. He knew about them, all about them. He wasn’t a gun guy creep though. He knew what was important.

He was also a range guru. He was a Fort Bliss fixture. If it involved ranges or weapons, he was your guy.

The biggest thing that Poor did though, was help people. It didn’t matter what it was for, what you needed. If you asked, then you just got the best team mate anyone could have.

SSG Poor passed early. In his prime. Poor is a legend. A true legend.

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